offer for companies

The Romans already knew:

"Mens Sana in Corpore Sano" - "A healthy mind in a healthy body."

As an employer, like many others, do you also see the added value of healthy and fit employees? By partnering with Move Limitless, we lower the barrier for your employees and make sure to actively contribute to that healthy lifestyle.

As an employer, why sponsor a gym membership for your staff?

An athletic collaborator:

  • Has more energy and is therefore more productive
  • has an outlet for daily stress that also makes him mentally stronger
  • gets sick less often
  • feels better about themselves, comes to work with a smile (more often), and thus also positively influences the atmosphere on the shop floor

An employer that contributes to sports offerings for its employees has:

  • an edge in the "war for talent," in today's tight labor market
  • Shows his employees that he cares for them
  • automatic recurrent team building option
  • a tax advantage since his contribution can be entered as an expense

Moreover, by partnering with Move Limitless, you show that you support local initiatives.

Personal training

What can your employees enjoy?

  • Group training by skilled, certified coaches who will apply proper guidance and motivation in classes.
  • A variety of offerings with different group classes each week including Cross, Hitt, Strength, Pilates, Boxing & Cardio mix. Experience is not necessary, we provide options for those less advanced. Even those who already have a lot of athletic experience can find challenge at Move Limitless.
  • Your employees can book an unlimited number of group classes thanks to our unlimited subscription.
  • In the class schedule, you can see that group classes are organized from Monday to Saturday at different times of the day and evening.
  • Your employees can easily register via our website and very flexibly reschedule or cancel.
  • Thanks to our location for group classes in Arenal, in the Huyghebaert building, we are very easily accessible from the E19 highway. There are showers and plenty of parking spaces.

How does it work?

  • You can contact us through our contact form - or directly by mail or phone.
  • Most employers choose to pay half the membership fee for their employees, but this is of course customized, and negotiable.
  • After an agreement is in place, we create a discount code that you can communicate within your company.
  • When an employee signs up with a work email address (something like, and enters this discount code, they can then purchase the subscription at a greatly reduced rate.
  • Move Limitless bills the amount of the discount to your company.
  • In exchange for your commitment, we will extend the validity of this unlimited subscription from 4 weeks to 5 weeks.
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